
Service web seminar (eng)

Web seminar in English - service: 16th - 17th July 2024

Target group

Service technicians and sales staff of our service and sales partners who design, commission or service weighing systems.

Seminar objective

Competence to select the most suitable weighing terminal for a given task. Ability to connect analog load cells and serial interfaces adequately, as well as to calibrate a connected scale and configure the interfaces in a professional way. Knowledge of loading and configuring application programs, generating a data backup, installing a firmware update and configuring print formats.

Type of event:

Web seminar: 2 days, 3 x 1.5 h each, with adequate breaks
Charges: 231 EUR per participant
Order No. WEBSEM-SER-E (English)

Attendance seminar on request: 2 days, 2 x 3.5 h each, with adequate breaks (including practical exercises on provided equipment)
Charges: 385 EUR per participant
Location: Bergheim or Cologne, other locations or in-house seminars on request
Order No. SEM-SER-E (English)

Recommended conditions of participation

Basic understanding of weighing technology


  • Overview on the SysTec weighing terminals
  • Introduction of the ITx000E weighing terminals, differences and options
  • Short-form introduction IT2000M
  • Introduction IT1 and IT3
  • Service mode, configuration and settings
  • Connection and calibration of analog scales and optimization of filters
  • Connection and configuration of external inputs and outputs
  • Configuration of a continuous output and connection of a remote display
  • Connection of a weighing terminal to EDP systems
  • Connection of weighing terminals via Ethernet
  • Loading of application programs, firmware update, data backup by means of the IT CONFIGURATOR
  • Configuration of print formats with the IT CONFIGURATOR
  • Configuration of weighing terminals via browser using the Web Configurator
  • Creating Labels with IT LabelDesigner



2-day seminar

Tuesday, 16th July, 2024,
web seminar in English, 1 of 2
Wednesday, 17th July, 2024, web seminar in English, 2 of 2

booking request

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