Data Protection Declaration for the SysTec ScaleRemote App

as of 7/19/2022

The SysTec ScaleRemote App (hereinafter "App") is provided by SysTec Systemtechnik und Industrieautomation GmbH, Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 6, D-50129 Bergheim (hereinafter "we" or "us") as responsible party within the meaning of the applicable data protection law.

1. General Information Regarding the ScaleRemote App

Our app offers you the following features:

  • Display of screen content from SysTec weighing terminals of IT... models, in order to display weight values and other weighing terminal data on a smartphone or tablet. 
  • Data entry, barcode scan, time recording and transmission of data recorded on a smartphone / tablet to SysTec weighing terminals.
  • Remote control of SysTec weighing terminals via smartphone / tablet.

The connection between the app and a scale is made via wireless LAN. For your safety, the access authorization is checked during initial connection. For this purpose, your software license key as well as your MAC address and the serial number of the weighing terminal are registered as your identification features and then transmitted to us.

The camera of the smartphone / tablet is accessed for scanning barcodes or optical character recognition (OCR).


2. Handling of Personal Data

We process personal data while using the app. Since the protection of your privacy is very important to us, we would like to inform you below about the legitimate interest with which personal data is processed during the use of the app.


2.1 Information Collected when Downloading the App from an App Store

When downloading the app, certain required information is transferred to the app store you selected (e.g. Google Play or Apple App Store). Among others, the user name, the email address, the client number of your account, the time of download, paying information as well as the individual device identification number can be processed in this context. We have no influence over the use of your personal data by the respective App Store. The privacy policy of the respective store applies. 


2.2 Information Automatically Collected when Using the App:

When you use the app, we automatically collect certain data that is necessary for the use of the app. These include: license key, MAC address and serial number of the weighing terminal as well as the time of access.

This data is automatically transmitted to us in order to provide you with the service and the associated features, and to prevent and eliminate misuse and malfunctions. This data processing is justified by the fact that the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract between you and us regarding the use of the app, or that we have a legitimate interest in ensuring an error-free operation of the app.

All other data collected during the use of the app is exclusively used within the app and in the weighing terminal software.
Google ML Kit is used to read QR or bar codes and for optical character recognition (OCR). Processing of input data (e.g. pictures, videos or text) fully happens on-device. 
ML Kit does not send this data to Google-Servers. The ML Kit API may contact Google servers from time to time in order to receive things like bug fixes, updated models and hardware accelerator compatibility information. The ML Kit APIs also send metrics about the performance and utilization of the APIs in your app to Google. Google uses these metrics to measure performance and to debug, maintain and improve the APIs. The data is also used to detect misuse, as further described under


2.3  The App further Requires the Following Permissions:

  • Internet access: This is required during pairing process between your smartphone / tablet and the SysTec Weighing terminal in order to transfer the recorded data (license key, MAC address and serial number of the weighing terminal) to our server. The pairing process uses a unique license key as an identification feature that can only be assigned to the respective user on the server side. The data transmission via Internet between the app and our server takes place in encrypted form. Upon completion of the pairing process, the data transmission between the app and the weighing terminal is made via wireless LAN.
  • Camera access: This is required for the optical character recognition (OCR) and for reading QR / bar codes. The footage is processed within the app. Successfully recognized strings are then transferred to the weighing terminal. We do not store the recorded data.

Usage data is processed and used upon provision of the service. This data processing is justified by the fact that the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract between you and us according to Article 6 Par. 1, lit. b) GDPR regarding the use of the app.


3. Right to Information, Correction, Blocking, Deletion and Objection 

You have the right to receive information about your personal data stored by SysTec Systemtechnik und Industrieautomation GmbH in accordance with Article 15 GDPR. You also have the right to correction, blocking and deletion of your personal data. This does not apply to data which is necessary for billing or accounting purposes or which is subject to a statutory retention period.

You can furthermore object to the collection, processing and the use of your personal data within the scope of a legitimate interest at any time.

For the execution of your rights stated above, please contact or by post to the address given in section 6.


4. Storage Duration

Your personal data will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which they were stored no longer applies or if the storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons. 


5. Amendment of the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise this data privacy policy from time to time so that it is in compliance with current legal requirements or to implement new functionalities in the privacy policy. The current Privacy Policy is always available at:


6. Contact

For questions, suggestions, corrections and complaints related to the processing of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer.


SysTec Systemtechnik und Industrieautomation GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 6
D-50129 Bergheim-Glessen
